We've had 23 days of kindergarten already! I hope you are as impressed as I am with how great your children are doing with their sounds. We have introduced some new double letter sounds and it will be very important to review these at home. We are blending our sounds into words every day. If your child has not started bringing home word lists in their reading bag yet, they will be coming soon. I really appreciate your involvement by listening to your child read their list and getting it signed and back for a new list. Keep up the great work!
I hope you and your child had a chance to use the squirrel and acorn activities they brought home this week. Ella and Alexis used part of their choice time to practice their letters and sounds. Good work, girls!
Using foam letters is a fun way to listen for sounds and spell words.
In math, we are doing a lot of counting in a lot of different ways. Encourage your child to practice "counting on" by you saying a number and having them continue from that number. We have also started counting by 10's.
Nickolas is doing a great job matching numbers to the right "ten frame".
Hunter and Ava are finding shapes in magazines for our shape poster.