Thursday, December 13, 2012

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas!

 We are finding some time in our busy schedule to do a few Christmas projects.  The excitement is really building for Christmas to get here!
This is our hallway bulletin board.  We take a lot of pride in what we put out here as every student in the school walks by this at least two or three times a week.

                         Our stockings are hung with care in hope that St Nick soon will be here!

Christmas Concert

   The students of BAK did an awesome job at their concert Tuesday night!  Special thanks to Mrs. Strummer and Mr. Henning for all their hard work!  I had great intentions of getting a lot of pictures of my class all dressed up, but after two pictures, my camera battery died!  Here are the two pictures I did get, along with a few that Mr. Zeeh took during our performance.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Juice Lids

If you use frozen juice would you please save and send in the lids for me?  If you have freinds/relatives who might have them, I can use several.
 Thanks!  Mrs. A

Monday, November 26, 2012

Happy Belated Thanksgiving

An extra day off, last Wednesday,was certainly a surprise to most of us.  I felt bad that the kids didn't have all their great Thanksgiving projects home to share with families on Thursday.  We took some time today to finish up our learning about the first Thanksgiving.
I hope you all had a safe and relaxing holiday weekend.

      Check out the Pilgrims learning how to plant corn from their Native American friends!

Friday, November 16, 2012

New Reading Bags!

We got new reading bags today!  Thank you Mrs. Landt and Mrs. Stuckey for getting these ordered for us. Please help your child keep their new bag in good condition.  We talked about how our materials fit in the bottom half of the bag and that we can then fold it over to slide it in our bookbags.
Please continue practicing all the materials in these bags.  Even though we are done introducing the sounds, everyone needs to keep reviewing them to help with the fluency of our reading.

Our new reading bags!!

Garrett and Jack are practicing their reading using their "whisper phones".  We can whisper into them and hear ourselves without bothering the readers around us.

Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent/teacher conferences will be held the first week in December.  There is not a specified night for BAK as a whole, but I am planning on holding the majority of my conferences on Thursday, Dec. 6th.  Your child brought home a note on Friday which asks if you have a preferred time.  You can also view/print the note below.  Please return these as your earliest convenience and I will get back to you with a meeting time.

                                                      conference schedule note 

Friday, November 9, 2012

Busy Start to November

We have had a busy start to the month of November.  We have been learning a lot of fun math games.  Our new math series, Everyday Math, uses many hands on activities and games to teach math concepts and skills.  This is a great way for young minds to learn!  Next week, your child will be bringing home a game called Monster Squeeze, I hope you enjoy playing it together.
We have introduced all 43 of the Jolly Phonics sounds!  It is really important to keep reviewing them with the sound book.  We want the students to be very fluent with their sounds in order to move ahead with their reading skills.  We are now starting to learn some new phonics rules and spellings for the sounds.  Last week we talked about how the letter y usually makes the /ee/ sound when it is on the end of a word.  Today, we started talking about "sneaky e" on the end of a word and how it changes a vowels sound.
This link will take you to a fun, 3 minute youtube video to help practice the "sneaky e" (or super e as it is called in the song)
super e song/video

It is going to be COLD on Monday, please be sure your children are dressed warmly!!!

Kyle is playing "Roll and Record" during math centers.  

When we have a few minutes of free time we love to read stories to ourselves.

Taia and Ava are working hard in their journals.  We get to write and draw about anything we want during journal time.  Mrs. Ashbacher helps us sound out words and we use "kindergarten spelling" for some of the really hard words!

Jayden is making a pattern during calendar time.  She will ask her friends to describe it to her.

 We had "Food for Thought" from the Farm to School program.  We learned about pumpkins and got to taste roasted pumpkin seed and pumpkin puree.  We got a big surprise when our visitors gave us all new T-shirts!  Thank You!!!!

Check out our cute Pilgrims!!!!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Holloween

We had a very fun and busy day!  It was fun seeing all the costumes during the school gathering.  Thanks to the families who were on our treat list today, we enjoyed our special snacks!  I hope everyone has a great time trick or treating tonight!
Jayden, Hunter, Ella and Garrett

Nickolas, Katie, Jocelyn and Jackson

Kyle, Ava, Evie and Breyley

Alexis, Taia, Kyndra, and Jack

Monday, October 29, 2012

Pumpkins, pumpkins and more pumpkins!

        Tis the season for pumpkins and they have been everywhere in our learning lately.  Last week we read a story about the growing cycle of a pumpkin and then did a sequencing activity to show what we learned.
We made some cool 3-D pumpkins that will be coming home in a week or so.
       Today we talked about how the parts of something make a whole.  We made the cool projects below to show everyone all the parts of a pumpkin.  We labeled all the parts also.

During math groups,  we did a pumpkin matrix and a fun pumpkin graphing activity.  I told the boys and girls they could do the pumpkin graph with their family.  I hope you have a chance to try it out.

Here is a video of our pumpkin graph.

Jolly Phonics

This is a quick video of a game on we played on the smartboard to review some of our Jolly Phonics sounds.  The smartboard is a great tool to keep everyone engaged in the lesson!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

First Trimester Skills

   It's hard to believe we're almost at the end of the first trimester, but it will be here on November 21st.  Below is a link to a letter that gives you a listing of skills we are currently working on.  There will be conferences during the first week of December and I will send more information on this soon.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Halloween Gathering

This is the same note that your child should have brought home on Monday, but I thought I would post it just in case it didn't make it to you!  Let me know if you have any questions.  Thanks, Mrs. A
Halloween info

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

BAK Book Fair

This following link will provide you with information about the Book Fair coming up on November 5-7.  Flyers with the book selections should be coming home soon.
BAK Book Fair

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

October Sight Words

Your child has the first set of tricky sight words on a ring in their reading bag.  Please review these words as often as possible.  The link below will let you print another set if you want extras.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Food for Thought

Once a month our students have a great opportunity to learn about healthy, local food choices. On Friday, we had a special presentation .  After learning all about green beans, the boys and girls were able to sample beans.  I missed it, but was told by my class that the beans were delicious!
This link will give you more information about the presentation and even a yummy recipe.

Jump Rope for Heart

Students at BAK will be participating in Jump Rope for Heart next Friday the 26th.  They will not be taking pledges for this activity.  More information can be found at the following link. 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

PALS Kindergarten Testing

I wanted to let you know that during the next few weeks, the kindergarten students will be given several short reading assessments as part of the state mandated PALS test.  This will be administered by the classroom teachers along with some help from Mrs. Stoehr, our retired Title One Reading teacher.
Many of the assessments are very similar to the type of checks and activities we already do with our students.  We will be assessing knowledge of letter names, letter sounds, rhyming, beginning sounds, simple spelling and concepts of print.
There is no extra work or preparation I need from families, just send them rested and ready for school as usual!  If you have any questions, give me a call or send me an e-mail!

Fire Safety Week

The Prairie du Chien Fire Department visited BAK on Thursday for fire safety week. They put on a great show.  It had some really funny parts and a lot of very important information.  

We got to see the firefighters in their full uniforms.  We learned not to be scared of the strange way they look and sound.

The fire puppets taught us about changing batteries in smoke alarms.

 Taia helped the fire clowns practice stop-drop and roll!

I think Katie was surprised to find out that her dad was one of the fire clowns! 

If students fill out their home fire exit plans and bring them back to school, they will be in the drawing for a new bike!  We need these back by Tuesday, October 16th.

                                                                  Fire Pup is always a favorite during fire safety week!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Learning is sooo much fun!

We've had 23 days of kindergarten already!  I hope you are as impressed as I am with how great your children are doing with their sounds.  We have introduced some new double letter sounds and it will be very important to review these at home.  We are blending our sounds into words every day.  If your child has not started bringing home word lists in their reading bag yet, they will be coming soon.  I really appreciate your involvement by listening to your child read their list and getting it signed and back for a new list.  Keep up the great work!

I hope you and your child had a chance to use the squirrel and acorn activities they brought home this week.  Ella and Alexis used part of their choice time to practice their letters and sounds. Good work, girls!

Using foam letters is a fun way to listen for sounds and spell words.

In math, we are doing a lot of counting in a lot of different ways.  Encourage your child to practice "counting on" by you saying a number and having them continue from that number.  We have also started counting by 10's.  
Nickolas is doing a great job matching numbers to the right "ten frame".
Hunter and Ava are finding shapes in magazines for our shape poster.

Friday, September 28, 2012

News for the last week of September

Katie helps show Kyle how to point to the words as they say their "Two Red Apples" poem.  We call this "tracking".

Jackson and Hunter are doing a great job spelling word with our foam letters.  It is amazing how many words we can sound out already.  Good job, boys!

Jayden and Kyndra are using our "whisper phones" to practice the sounds in their sound books.  When we talk into these phones, we can use a whisper voice and we hear it in our own ear.  They are pretty cool.
To finish up our apple theme, we made apple crisp this morning.  Everyone helped mix and measure.  As you can see from the "thumbs up", it was really good!   Mrs. Ashbacher forgot that our fruit and veggie snacks also started today, so we had a little apple crisp, fresh berries and milk.  I wonder if anyone was hungry for lunch?

Wow,  Monday is October 1st already!  Have a great weekend!