Friday, November 9, 2012

Busy Start to November

We have had a busy start to the month of November.  We have been learning a lot of fun math games.  Our new math series, Everyday Math, uses many hands on activities and games to teach math concepts and skills.  This is a great way for young minds to learn!  Next week, your child will be bringing home a game called Monster Squeeze, I hope you enjoy playing it together.
We have introduced all 43 of the Jolly Phonics sounds!  It is really important to keep reviewing them with the sound book.  We want the students to be very fluent with their sounds in order to move ahead with their reading skills.  We are now starting to learn some new phonics rules and spellings for the sounds.  Last week we talked about how the letter y usually makes the /ee/ sound when it is on the end of a word.  Today, we started talking about "sneaky e" on the end of a word and how it changes a vowels sound.
This link will take you to a fun, 3 minute youtube video to help practice the "sneaky e" (or super e as it is called in the song)
super e song/video

It is going to be COLD on Monday, please be sure your children are dressed warmly!!!

Kyle is playing "Roll and Record" during math centers.  

When we have a few minutes of free time we love to read stories to ourselves.

Taia and Ava are working hard in their journals.  We get to write and draw about anything we want during journal time.  Mrs. Ashbacher helps us sound out words and we use "kindergarten spelling" for some of the really hard words!

Jayden is making a pattern during calendar time.  She will ask her friends to describe it to her.

 We had "Food for Thought" from the Farm to School program.  We learned about pumpkins and got to taste roasted pumpkin seed and pumpkin puree.  We got a big surprise when our visitors gave us all new T-shirts!  Thank You!!!!

Check out our cute Pilgrims!!!!

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